How to rock a short hairdo

It is safe to say that short hair is trending these days; if you consider the number of women opting for shorter hair as opposed to long. It is believed that cutting one’s hair is a difficult decision to make, especially when it comes to the ladies.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Women are going for the short hair look and it is working for them. (Net Photo)

It is safe to say that short hair is trending these days; if you consider the number of women opting for shorter hair as opposed to long.

It is believed that cutting one’s hair is a difficult decision to make, especially when it comes to the ladies.

But these days, women are going for the look and it is working for them.

Christiane Kamagaju says that she cut her hair because she wanted to change her hair style and, because she wanted something different from her identical twin Christine Kalisana.

As it turns out, even her friends like her new look.

"Because of the compliments, I now feel confident with my new look. I was a little nervous before. Short hair is easy to deal with because you can wash it every day, and whenever I go to the salon, I come out shining like never before,” she says.

Patricia Mumarangu says that after turning 48, she wanted to look younger and short hair worked for her. She says that she loves it because when her hairstylist uses tongs and she applies make up, her husband takes notice.

Jean Luc Shema says, "I like ladies with short hair because to me, it seems tidier and more hygienic. I have seen ladies with long hair spend like a month without washing their hair. Besides, these days you cannot be sure what is real hair and what is a weave or wig.”

He also says that a woman who cuts her hair is confident about her appearance and doesn’t need long hair to enhance her looks.

Here are a few short hair style tips:

You can keep it short and natural, without relaxing it, like Maria Borges, the first model to rock natural hair, did.

Raised curls. Use Blue Out products for your hair to keep it curly, also, trim the sides and back hair to keep it raised up.

Bold and natural. You can add hair colour in order not to make it too plain.

Tongs. Using a curling iron or a tongs comb, your hair will look curly it will save you salon time and money.