Reconciliation requires collective efforts

What an interesting and totally welcome approach by all of the people, and the Catholic Church! That this programme was initiated in 2008, and although at a slow uptake, it is a welcome effort nonetheless.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Editor, RE: "Over 160 Genocide perpetrators in Bugesera reconcile with survivors” (The New Times, January 9).

What an interesting and totally welcome approach by all of the people, and the Catholic Church! That this programme was initiated in 2008, and although at a slow uptake, it is a welcome effort nonetheless.

When you compare with the government-led initiatives such as Ndi Umunyarwanda, you come to a realization that reconciliation programmes are a collective effort between government and religious organizations, together with other actors.

This way, the government focuses on personal identity issues while religion focuses on matters of the heart.

I would hope the reconciliation commission would support the Church with this heart-healing programme and complement with the Ndi Umunyarwanda. The reconciliation commission should also encourage other religious organizations, including Islam, to develop such programs within their set-ups.

Both government and religious parties’ efforts are complementary and well needed. Kigali Girl