So what if actress Davis visited Gihembe refugees?

Even if she was in fact an actress in salacious films, what would be so scandalous for her to want to act in support of the most vulnerable? Does what someone do for a living, no matter how some might disapprove, disqualify one from being human and wanting to support those in more need than you? How many needy and vulnerable refugees have those who scandalized by the thought that someone who performs in such genre of films as they wrongly thought Ms Davis does have they themselves helped?

Monday, December 19, 2016

Editor, RE: "When Hollywood actress Kristin Davis visited Gihembe refugees” (The New Times, December 18).

Even if she was in fact an actress in salacious films, what would be so scandalous for her to want to act in support of the most vulnerable? Does what someone do for a living, no matter how some might disapprove, disqualify one from being human and wanting to support those in more need than you? How many needy and vulnerable refugees have those who scandalized by the thought that someone who performs in such genre of films as they wrongly thought Ms Davis does have they themselves helped?

I really think we Rwandans need to focus on essentials and not obsess with immaterial considerations.

After all, isn’t it Jesus himself who taught about both the Good Samaritan (in that day, people from Samaria were held in contempt by the rest of the people in Palestine/Israel) as well as warned that only those without sin should throw the first stone at the adulterer they had brought before him for judgment and the customary stoning?

Mwene Kalinda