Heaven’s Gates and Hell’s Flames’ drama thrills town

‘Heaven’s Gates and Hell’s flames’ drama that started showing on Saturday 15, at Christian Life Assembly (CLA) in Nyarutarama main auditorium is attracting thousands. The Christian drama, which sets off with Christ’s crucifixion, depicts the importance of finding salvation, while still on earth.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Scene depicting Jesus taking a lady to Heaven as angels welcome her to Heavenu2019s gates.

‘Heaven’s Gates and Hell’s flames’ drama that started showing on Saturday 15, at Christian Life Assembly (CLA) in Nyarutarama main auditorium is attracting thousands. The Christian drama, which sets off with Christ’s crucifixion, depicts the importance of finding salvation, while still on earth.

The play emphasises how one’s life on earth, determines where they will spend life after death—it is either in Heaven or in Hell—hence the name ‘Heavens gates and Hell’s flames.


The gold and silver bright colours enhanced by angels as the heavenly hosts, imitates Heaven while hell has a scary and desolate scene in red and black with flames of fire.

In all the scenes, the chief angel looks for the names of those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Their names are written in the ‘Book of Life’, meaning they will go to Heaven while the missing ones will go to hell.


It gets so hilarious at the construction scene. As the two builders pass on the salvation message, they captivate and move the audience into loud laughter.

However, in some scenes, the audience cannot holdback tears from rolling down their chicks. In these sad scenes, people regret the wrong choices they made and can no longer stand the thought of not going to Heaven because the only option left for them is hell.

The drama is annually organised by Christian Life Assembly and concludes November 20th, Thursday night.
