Genocide against the Tutsi: France and antics of the guilty

Editor, RE: “France and international justice on trial in quarrel with Rwanda” (The New Times, December 6).

Thursday, December 08, 2016


RE: "France and international justice on trial in quarrel with Rwanda” (The New Times, December 6).

Let us consider this incredible illustration of turbo-charged chutzpah on steroids.

France’s role in the Genocide against the Tutsi has been more than sufficiently established.

Then France, straining mightily, attempts to turn the issue on its head and tries to put Rwanda on trial instead for an alleged role in the bringing down of Juvenal Habyarimana’s despite the fact its own former anti-terrorist judge, Marc Trevedic, has conclusively determined with the assistance of French experts in aviation and missile technology forensics and direct eye witness testimony that the missiles that brought down the plane were fired from the Kanombe military barracks, at the time a stronghold of Habyarimana’s own Presidential Guard who were, in turn, under the command of French officers.

The French are truly taking that legal advice that if neither the law nor the facts support your position, then just hammer the table, shriek insanely and try to drown out the damaging facts from being aired.

Peine perdue; les faits sont vraiment têtus!

Mwene Kalinda