LETTERS: Fare thee well Fidel Castro

Castro the man may have passed on, but Fidel the colossal legend who leaves an indelible mark on his time and history will endure.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Editor, RE: "Former Cuban president, titan of the Cold War, and revolutionary icon Fidel Castro dies at 90” (The New Times, November 26).

Castro the man may have passed on, but Fidel the colossal legend who leaves an indelible mark on his time and history will endure.

What would Africa—and much of the South dominated by a rapacious North—look like without the inspiration and the material support so generously provided by Castro's Cuba to our continuing efforts to free ourselves from imperial shackles?

May the soil of his land lie lightly on his earthly body. Mwene Kalinda ***** Perhaps you could also take the occasion to enlighten us a little more, especially our younger generations, on what both Che and Castro did for us (Africans) when the duo inspired the whole continent to rise up for independence in the 50s.

The post-colonial era has been one of systematically concealing the truth concerning us, truth of everything belonging to us, and truth of everything about us. Despite the "independence”, we nonetheless are still tight-strapped into the shackles of imperialism. Francois-Xavier Nziyonsenga