What to learn from Patriotism Day

Patriotism day which falls on October 1 should not be celebrated and forgotten about.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Patriotism day which falls on October 1 should not be celebrated and forgotten about.

This is a day when one should sit back and reflect on the contribution of those people who worked towards the political, economical and social development of the country.

Some people sacrificed their lives to become true heroes for the sake of bringing peace, development and unity in the country which we are all enjoying presently.

Patriotism Day celebrations should be a time to develop new patriotic ideas which will bring about a positive change in the country.

To some who may still be having ideas or plans of destroying what others have built, they should first flash back and see where today’s Rwanda came from and where it is right now.

My message today is to pay glowing tribute to all people who put their lives on the line to bring back Rwanda where it belongs.

We are now leaving as brothers and sisters, enjoying the beauty of Rwanda because of your hand works, long live Rwanda, long live our Heroes. 

Patriotic citizen