Editorial: Explore more as you read

As you read this issue, in the final part of the series, ‘More than you could ever imagine’, find out how Adhiambo- the African Christian hero concludes her missionary trip in Sudan.

Monday, November 17, 2008

As you read this issue, in the final part of the series, ‘More than you could ever imagine’, find out how Adhiambo- the African Christian hero concludes her missionary trip in Sudan.

The biggest Children’s summit that happened in Rwanda has also been captured in a pictorial. Get a glimpse of what happened.

Explore the fantasy world as you read the Story corner and life in the wild in "Wildlife Discovery”.

Teenagers, your place is reserved in the ‘Teens Hype’ column. These are funny stories which will remind you of the fun at school.

With this, enjoy your reading and add more knowledge to your brain’s database.
