Expert Voice: Use your holiday to explore new ideas

Dear counsellor, I’m doing my senior six leaving exams this month, but although I’m excited about finishing my high school, I’m wondering what I should do in the coming long holiday of over nine months. Advise me what i should do with my time.

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Dear counsellor,

I’m doing my senior six leaving exams this month, but although I’m excited about finishing my high school, I’m wondering what I should do in the coming long holiday of over nine months. Advise me what i should do with my time.

Yours, Patrick


Dear Patrick,

The holidays are a great time to relax, have fun and benefit from numerous ventures socially, financially and spiritually. There are plenty of productive ways through which you can profitably utilise your holiday that can be fun, relaxing, and supportive to your educational career and physical nourishment. It’s all about how you align your priorities and logically take charge of yourself to achieve meaningful consumption of this holiday. Research shows that, one can only do well if they have a close relationship with their family. Take advantage of your down time to establish strong lines of communication with your family members research your ancestral history by consulting family adults and put together a family record your entire family can treasure. Also, catch up with old and new friends and get the gang together to reminisce about the good old days. You can also participate in church activities like choir and prayer services for your spiritual growth.

Take advantage of your free time to open your mind to new knowledge and skills with these ideas that include education, new hobbies, and keep up with a regular exercise regimen for both your physical and mental fitness. Instead of sleeping the whole day, you should rationally engage yourself in productive activities like doing some household chores and playing games such as football and basketball among others. As a teenager, you have the whole world of opportunities to leverage on the internet and technology to start a business. Open a video game centre, laundry business, baking and selling of cookies. You could as well as organise teens TV and radio shows or start a teen’s magazine. All these are important opportunities to make use of and outperform yourself profitably in this holiday

Use this time to improve on your reading and writing skills by establishing excellent reading and writing habits and learn to communicate effectively to see improvement in school and a great skill for your resume. Volunteer opportunities are an excellent way to spend your holiday productively. Companies like Volunteer Match will help you find the perfect volunteer opportunity for you and you can be recognised with community service awards. Learn new skills like playing musical instruments, new language, visiting museums and Watch a university lecture online. Not only will you gain important experience, but also you will gain a wide range of knowledge and skills as a suitable integrated competitor in the future labor market. Keeping the brain active during holidays is the best way to fight the constant detrimental practices like drug abuse, destructive peer pressure and exposure to illicit materials.

Enjoy your holiday!