Who audits Auditor General’s office?

I once had a secondary school teacher in an arts subject who used to tell us that we could never get 100 per cent. Reason is that there is always room for improvement. Even when all else is perfect but you missed a comma, that would give you 99.5 per cent.

Monday, October 31, 2016


RE: "Senators call for financial autonomy at the sector level” (The New Times, October 31).

I once had a secondary school teacher in an arts subject who used to tell us that we could never get 100 per cent. Reason is that there is always room for improvement. Even when all else is perfect but you missed a comma, that would give you 99.5 per cent.

The issue with audit reports is that they are there to discover errors which will never lack as long as humans are behind a system. That misplaced invoice, that mistyped Excel sheet, that letter forgotten to have proper signatures... Therefore for Auditor General to aim for 100 per cent in audits is personally unattainable.

Secondly, out of curiosity, does anyone know who audits the Auditor General?

Concerned Citizen