There’s need for more research on vaccines

Editor, RE: “Measles: Immunisation remains only safe haven” (The New Times, October 24). Thanks for the article – it’s good we have journalists who report on health and science. It’s also important for me to state that reporting on science subjects requires quite some good knowledge and where possible consulting the experts on the subject matter.

Thursday, October 27, 2016
A child being immunised. (File)


RE: "Measles: Immunisation remains only safe haven” (The New Times, October 24). Thanks for the article – it’s good we have journalists who report on health and science. It’s also important for me to state that reporting on science subjects requires quite some good knowledge and where possible consulting the experts on the subject matter. 

An article on the effects of vaccines requires extensive knowledge in biochemistry. 

A scientist called Andrew Wakefield, whose medical license was canceled, was the first to indicate the relationship between gastrointestinal bowel and the onset of the symptoms of autism after administration of the MMR vaccine for measles to children.

Dr. Wakefield was discredited by British medical council, and he went to the US to seek refuge. He has since presented his case to the medical union of the United States where his findings were actually found to be valid and his research has been a major catalyst into the validity of the MMR vaccine/autism relationship. 

Further research, in addition to Andrew Wakefield’s, has actually revealed that ethyl-mercury, a known organic nerve poison for more than 100 years—also recognized by the WHO – is being used by huge pharmaceutical industries (who make the MMR vaccines which we also use in Rwanda) as a preservative for MMR.

Is Rwanda safe? How much can we rely on our regulatory systems in regard to the safety of our children? 

A recent article, "Mechanisms of methyl-mercury induced neurotoxicity: evidence from experimental studies”, by Marcelo Farina et al (2011) has now given a biochemical mechanism as to how methyl mercury (a preservative for MMR vaccine for measles), destroys the neurons in the central nervous system of the brain causing accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROSs) which destroy the neurons.

Vaccines are good, granted, but their side effects have not been fully exhausted. 

A whistleblower (Brian Hooker) in the United States has already indicated that there has been an "official cover up” of the relationship between vaccines and autism.

More than 1,000 articles on the relationship between them have been published, apart from Andrew Wakefield’s, whom you seemed to refer to in your article. 

I personally have read more than 190 articles. It is important to note that the WHO has already recognised mercury as a dangerous nerve poison and to be removed from all vaccines and cosmetics.

Has Rwanda adhered to these recommendations? A good question to the scientists at RSB and RBC.

James Munanura