LETTERS: Not even a gullible global audience can buy into French govt’s lies about Rwanda

Rwanda will never ever again fall into France’s trap, no matter what it takes and at what cost. They may manipulate their legal system for them to win a locus stand, they may use whatever power as a country and as diplomatic propagandists to pin the leadership of Rwanda, they may kill our mirror face before the international community, they may torture us in any way as they tortured our bodies and souls in 1994, but they can never ever kill Rwandans’ spirit and patriotism.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


RE: "Why France clings on the plane” (The New Times, October 17).

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on you; fool me thrice, shame on me.

Rwanda will never ever again fall into France’s trap, no matter what it takes and at what cost. They may manipulate their legal system for them to win a locus stand, they may use whatever power as a country and as diplomatic propagandists to pin the leadership of Rwanda, they may kill our mirror face before the international community, they may torture us in any way as they tortured our bodies and souls in 1994, but they can never ever kill Rwandans’ spirit and patriotism.

Their shallow way of investigating this matter is in itself illegal from the beginning. They are relying on hearsay while they were at the shooting scene at the night the two presidents were killed.

They are investigating the facts they have in hands and think they produce any reliable facts that may fool us.



Of course there is nothing remotely humorous about Genocide [against the Tutsi] accomplices like the French state trying to inverse roles and transform their victims into the perpetrators, but I can’t help but note that they seem to be taking their cue from that old American legal aphorism about ‘facts, the law and the table’.

Some readers may already be familiar with an old law professor’s ‘Last Resort Rule on Advocacy’ advice to his students that: "If you have the facts on your side, hammer the facts. If you have the law on your side, hammer the law. If you have neither the facts nor the law, hammer the table.”

The French, having neither the facts nor the law on their side, long ago decided they must hammer the downed aircraft, even though the overwhelming bulk of evidence points to their own hand and that of their friends in the then Rwandan government in downing the aircraft. They count on their friends in Western chancelleries and a friendly media and a wide network of Genocide deniers and revisionists to be able to foist their fraud over a gullible global public.

We have news for them. Too much of the truth of France’s role is out there for them to really get away with this scheme. All they can hope for is to push the day of reckoning a little further from today. But the whole truth of France’s sordid role in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi will sooner rather than later emerge.

Mwene Kalinda


To be quite frank, I no longer expect anything else from France. The worst of them all are their Western sister nations who know very well what happened and the very direct role France played in the Genocide against the Tutsi.

Just because the Clintons and the Blairs of this world are now playing friends – for it’s all a play anyways – doesn’t mean the governments they represent are free from blame.

And this they know very well. They do know that if France was to ever be convicted of the heinous crime of genocide, or at least complicity, the entire Western "civilization” would pay a very steep price in that the entire planet would love to hold them accountable after centuries of self appointed moral superiority.

Ali Rukariza