Great work, Imbuto Foundation

Dear Editor, The First Lady’s Imbuto foundation has continuously helped improve the lives of many. In particular, I would like to thank the organisation for promoting child rights.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dear Editor,

The First Lady’s Imbuto foundation has continuously helped improve the lives of many. In particular, I would like to thank the organisation for promoting child rights.

Last month I read in The New Times that Imbuto Foundation will reward nine people for showing exemplary care to adopted children. This motivation is just what we need.

Normally, most people do not treat other people’s children in a parental manner. As a result, most children turn out to be victims of abuse.

Their self esteem goes down, they become unnecessarily nervous and are characterised by all the other effects of child abuse.

Imbuto’s struggle against child abuse will indeed help many Rwandans raise the young generation with the right parental care.
