LETTERS: Africa must stand its ground on rights

This strong straight-in article just finished replenishing my hitherto brain-washed mindset about human right activism.

Tuesday, October 04, 2016


RE: "Using ‘human rights' as an excuse” (The New Times, October 3).

This strong straight-in article just finished replenishing my hitherto brain-washed mindset about human right activism.

Fellow Africans, let us get up and stand our ground. Let's fight those so-called human rights experts, who would not raise a finger at the West’s misdeeds globally (read Middle East, Tunisia, Libya) yet are given a platform when it comes to Africa and other developing countries working the hardest to short-cut their path to sunshine.

Now they cry at Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte for trying to concentrate the pain on one generation and are happy to see the Philippines remain a regulated country, depending on them.
