Rwagatare was too kind to the Catholic Churh

Editor, RE: “Church got it wrong on contraceptive ban in health centres” (The New Times, September 20).

Thursday, September 22, 2016


RE: "Church got it wrong on contraceptive ban in health centres” (The New Times, September 20). Too gentle on the Catholic Church; they were not merely sinners by omission. Many among their top hierarchy in the country were fully complicit in seeding the Genocide, in planning and organising for it, and then in its execution. They have since been even more complicit as accessories after the fact by doing everything possible to shield génocidaires clergy and lay officials, including trashing the survivors and the post-Genocide government as a way of defence for their génocidaires priests and lay officials.

The Church is and has never been merely deleterious in the Genocide against the Tutsi – it was always an active party, if not the original instigator, of that monumental crime.

Mwene Kalinda