EAC lost the plot on Burundi

Editor, RE: “How Burundi is exporting its demons into the EAC” (The New Times, September 17).

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


RE: "How Burundi is exporting its demons into the EAC” (The New Times, September 17).

All this was entirely predictable. Once the other EAC member states failed to respect their own Community treaty and taking effective steps against a government that had just taken power illegally in Burundi and was busy killing, torturing, arbitrary arresting or disappearing those who did not agree with its illegal takeover of power even as hundreds more of its citizens were pushed into an uncertain future in refugee camps, mostly in other EAC countries, instead accepting that illegal government’s nominee as the Community’s secretary-general, the rest of what we are seeing was inevitable.

You may be sure of one thing: The worst is yet to come…

Mwene Kalinda