EDITORIAL: Local leaders must never compromise on service delivery

The recent results from the implementation of the 2015/16 leaders’ Performance Contracts (Imihigo), especially in districts, came with some few surprises.

Friday, September 16, 2016

The recent results from the implementation of the 2015/16 leaders’ Performance Contracts (Imihigo), especially in districts, came with some few surprises.

Districts such as Kicukiro that had dominated the rankings for the past few years found themselves in an unfamiliar position and this calls for some serious soul searching.

But poor performers need not look far for their poor showing; the bottom line is service delivery to the satisfaction of the population.

While launching the Governance Month this week, the Minister for Local Government and Social Affairs, said just as much; there is no way the welfare of the population will improve if local leaders fail in their duty to address issues rapidly and to the satisfaction of many. 

Why does it need the President’s visit, or any other senior official’s for that matter, for people to air their grievances yet their problems could have been nipped in the bud?

It’s probably high time mechanisms are put in place for people to get rid of unelected leaders, such as Executive Secretaries, for poor performance.

This is not a time to warm chairs but to roll up their sleeves and get busy. The time when local leaders were regarded as little kings in their workplaces is long gone. That is the reason for many poor administrative performances; a total disconnect with the people they are supposed to serve.

And this must not be tolerated.