Rwandans have every reason to be thankful

Editor, RE: “Murekezi: Thanksgiving is a responsibility for all Rwandans” (The New Times, August 8).

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


RE: "Murekezi: Thanksgiving is a responsibility for all Rwandans” (The New Times, August 8).

Reading this story, my mind was immediately raced to Kibeho, which offers not only all Rwandans but the whole world, a unique opportunity for thanksgiving.

Capt. Errol Fernandes, who incidentally is no relative of mine, has sailed the high seas for over three decades, weathering many a storm, as master of numerous shipping vessels.

He has, in more recent years, mastered the art of organizing religious tourism groups. He will be bringing in the single largest group of Indian visitors to the country, from across all segments of visitors, exclusively to offer praise and thanksgiving to God at Kibeho.

What is most interesting is that there are as many as ten non-Catholics from among the 46 pilgrims.

This endorses the statement of the Prime Minister when he very rightly said that thanksgiving is a responsibility for all Rwandans, and if I may humbly add the responsibility for all human beings.

Rwanda Shima Imana,  the national thanksgiving crusade, is yet another example of how the Government endorses programs and events geared towards enabling Remarkable Rwanda to "shine forth (her) light to the nation” and to the world.

Clarence Fernandes