Africa needs total independence

Editor, RE: “The sky should not be the limit for Africans” (The New Times, July 21). The problem is lack of will. Come every summit, you can put your last franc on Africans’ leaders in their entirety signing on enthusiastically to high-sounding resolutions.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


RE: "The sky should not be the limit for Africans” (The New Times, July 21). The problem is lack of will. Come every summit, you can put your last franc on Africans’ leaders in their entirety signing on enthusiastically to high-sounding resolutions.

One wonders though whether at the time they agree to those commitments they really intend to honour them, or do it in the manner many Rwandan wedding guests pledge cows to the newlyweds even as they have absolutely no intention of honouring those pledges.

The other problem I guess is the fact that the independence of too many African countries is no more than a Potemkin village; there is nothing real behind the front facade. They have very little real decision-making autonomy where their political economy is concerned.

How could it be otherwise when you don’t even control your own currency or export earnings, and your territory has remained occupied by foreign military forces even after your "independence”.

Mwene Kalinda