Price of fresh peas up Rwf200 in Huye town

The Prices of Irish potatoes, fresh peas and fresh beans have gone up in Huye District, according to a mini-survey by Business Times.

Monday, July 25, 2016

The Prices of Irish potatoes, fresh peas and fresh beans have gone up in Huye District, according to a mini-survey by Business Times. 

The price of Irish potatoes increased by Rwf70 to Rwf280 per kilogramme in Arete market, from Rwf210 last week, while fresh beans are now at Rwf500 a kilo, from Rwf450. That of fresh peas increased by Rwf200, from Rwf900 per kilogramme to Rwf1, 100.

A cluster of sweet bananas rose to Rwf500, from Rwf400, a kilo of tomatoes costs Rwf600, up from Rwf500 and onions go for Rwf400 a kilogramme in Rango market, up from Rwf350 per kilo. That of sweet potatoes was also up to Rwf210 a kilo from Rwf190.

Suppliers and traders attributed the increase to the dry season, which they say has led to a hike in wholesale and farm gate prices.

Maize flour costs Rwf400 per kilogramme, that of cassava flour ranges from Rwf350 to Rwf400, while a kilo of rice is at Rwf800 in most shops in Huye town.

A five–litre jerry can of cooking vegetable oil is at Rwf6,200, milk costs between Rwf300 and Rwf500 per litre in different trading centres in Huye, and bread (weighing 1kg) ranges from Rwf800 to Rwf1,000, depending on the brand, size and type.

Beef costs between Rwf1,800 and Rwf2,400 per kilo, while that of fresh fish is at Rwf2,400, and mid-sized cabbages go for between Rwf400. Avocado costs Rwf100 each.

Mangoes are going for Rwf1,200 per kilo, and passion fruits cost Rwf1,300 per kilogramme, while a kilo of oranges cost 1,000, and a medium-sized pineapple costs between Rwf400 and Rwf500 ,and big watermelon is at Rwf2, 300.

A bar of soap is at between Rwf400 and Rwf500, and a sack of charcoal is at between Rwf8,000 and 11,000 in Rwabayaga market.