Access Bank pays medical insurance for 175 genocide survivors

Genocide survivors in Kibaya village, Kamashashi cell, Nyarugunga sector in Kicukiro District on Friday afternoon saw their social protection boosted with medical insurance subscription by the staff of Access Bank.

Monday, July 11, 2016
Employees of Access Bank giving document of payment confirmation to Genevieve Uwamahoro, the Executive Secretary of Nyarugunga Sector. (Frederic Byumvuhore)

Genocide survivors in Kibaya village, Kamashashi cell, Nyarugunga sector in Kicukiro District on Friday afternoon saw their social protection boosted with medical insurance subscription by the staff of Access Bank.

Payment of health insurance for 25 families in Kibaya village comprised of 175 members was on Friday afternoon announced by Access Bank staff representatives during the visit to the village.

Kibaya village is an organized settlement for genocide survivors and most of the disabled ex-combatants in Kigali city.

Nadine Rutabayiro, Team member Women Banking at Access Bank said that the support of health insurance subscription was made to comfort and motivate genocide survivors and encourage them to strive towards self-reliance.

Rutabayiro noted that empowering a woman is a door to the development of the family as well as the country. "Access Bank not only supports with money but also with financial advisory services. Our supports also include ideas where we encourage women not to rely on donations only, but striving for self-reliance.”

Mentoring widows

Janet Nkubana, Managing Director of Gahaya Links, a businesswoman who was invited to share her experience and provide a mentoring session to her fellows on how to start small businesses, shared her experience of how she lived as refugee for several years until when she came back to Rwanda with five children without a husband to support her. She testified on how she struggled to afford all necessities of her family.

"I dared and asked a loan from Access Bank to start a small business of selling commodities. At that time, no other bank believed in me, but Access Bank did. They trusted me and gave me a loan. No money is little. Even one thousand can help you achieve more”.She said.

She advised her fellow women to recognize and profit from the special support given by Access Bank and committed to support them whenever they start small businesses as a cooperative.

"Gather your ideas together about how to start savings groups to improve your welfare. Women would fear asking loans from banks. I assure that Access Bank is a bank for you to change your lives. Support would not prevent you from working, but motivate you.”She added.

 Advice to women

Access Bank staff assured the beneficiaries that their support is beyond giving money but extended to advising clients in financial literacy and how to use their own strengths to change their living conditions. Genocide Survivors in Kibaya village were called to form saving groups and cooperatives under which they can start small businesses.

The bank also promised to ease the process of accessing loans when they form cooperatives.

Genevieve Uwamahoro, the Executive Secretary of Nyarugunga Sector, advised women present to start saving with the money they had dedicated on life insurance which was paid by Access Bank.

"Access Bank should have invested the money in other activities. Paying health insurance for you is a recognizable support. You should base on the support and work hard to improve your living standards. Go and sensitize other residents on the importance of health insurance and savings opportunities, Uwamahoro added.

Beneficiaries recognize support

Grace Mukamusoni, a genocide survivor, delightfully thanked Access Bank Rwanda for the support and advice. She said that the act touches her heart.

"We are happy to receive Access Bank team to our village. Your advice and support are paramount. We thank you so much and may God bless you. This support symbolizes your love to genocide survivors. We have been waiting for support but today we are able to find solutions by ourselves due to various advice we are given. I promise you to work hard so that next year I will be able to pay health insurance for all my family members,” Mukamusoni said.

Asiimwe Rebecca, Chief of women council in the village, reacted on the support as a miracle.”The support is in line with empowering women which is a crucial tool in the development t of the country. We are encouraging women to use available opportunities in order to strive for self-reliance.” She said.