RNC infighting was always inevitable

Editor, RE: “Infighting tears RNC apart” (The New Times, July 5). There’s now a war over acronyms; no ideology, no vision (and no! unseating a government is not a vision), nothing... Not really worth our time to watch... I’d rather be busy googling working visions and manifestos and learning from them.

Thursday, July 07, 2016


RE: "Infighting tears RNC apart” (The New Times, July 5).

There’s now a war over acronyms; no ideology, no vision (and no! unseating a government is not a vision), nothing... Not really worth our time to watch... I’d rather be busy googling working visions and manifestos and learning from them.

Kigali Girl


There never was any ideology where those guys are concerned, unless one elevates the uncontrollable demands of their digestive tubes to a doctrinal level. Their dissidence was always entirely motivated by rage at being thwarted from exercising what they considered an entitlement given to help themselves as they saw fit.

People like these have only one cause that overrides all else: themselves. It was, therefore, always inevitable that they would splinter as each one’s ‘Me, Me!’ collided with everybody else’s.

Let’s thank our lucky stars that they ousted themselves early enough before they had inflicted too much damage on our country, already reeling from the consequences of genocide and physical destruction and trying to put itself together again.

We shall soon be hearing of RNC-Nyakuri, RNC-Nyamwasa, RNC this and RNC that, etc. Nothing can ever be more thoroughly entertaining than the falling out of political thugs over their meagre prospects that continue to dwindle inexorably.

Please pull up the curtains and let the play begin, you have a full house and we are ready and impatient for the zingers!

Mwene Kalinda


That is the beginning of the end for the aimless RNC and the so called New-RNC. Imagine, they have started interlocking horns while still abroad and managing just a small number of relatives, friends and in-laws.

Imagine what would happen if they were to manage a population of around 12 million people with different backgrounds, different political affiliations and so on!

Let them rip themselves apart from there, and it serves them right I can proudly say. Rwandans have matured to differentiate between what is good and what is bad for them. As the English say, "What you sow is what you reap”.

Long live my beautiful Rwanda; long live all our visionary leaders.

Mustapha Abdullah Kaggwa