Eat for your dosha

Ayurveda suggests that each of us is born with a natural constitution known as “prakriti”; a unique combination of the elements that combine with our spirit and life force to create our bodies and minds.

Monday, July 04, 2016

Ayurveda suggests that each of us is born with a natural constitution known as "prakriti”; a unique combination of the elements that combine with our spirit and life force to create our bodies and minds.

The elements – ether, air, fire, water, and earth – come together to form doshas, or constitutions, that help us to understand when the body is in or out of balance. Every person has a predominant dosha, the one that largely defines or contributes to our personality, physical build, eating habits, and which illnesses we may be most vulnerable to.

We also have a secondary dosha, that which is the next most prevalent in its influence over our health. Understanding the qualities of these doshas can aid us in attaining personalized and optimal nutrition for improved well-being.

The Vatadosha is governed by ether and air. Vata people may be thin, have dry skin, and frequently complain of being cold. They can be restless and may often be insecure. When Vata is out of balance we can see them becoming anxious, depressed, or experiencing constipation, arthritis, confusion, flatulence, and bloating. Foods to pacify vata include those that are warm, moist, and grounding: avocado, whole milk, ghee, root vegetables, and cooked grains. Be sure to avoid drying foods like popcorn and crackers, and stimulants like caffeine and nicotine.

Pitta dosha is fire and water. Pitta people are the "type A” personalities; these are the people with soft and oily skin and moderate weight and height. While they are often charismatic and determined, they can also become easily aggressive and angry. They are at risk for fever, rashes, ulcers, and excessive hunger and thirst when imbalanced. Pitta should reach for sweet foods like mangoes and berries, vegetables such as broccoli and cooked beets, rice, wheat, and egg whites. Stimulants and alcohol are a definite no-no for pitta.

Slow, dense, thick, those who move slowly and have a calm steadiness about them: These are some of the primary Kapha characteristics. They are at risk for those conditions that result from energy and fluid stagnation when out of balance, such as impaired lymphatic drainage, slow or challenged digestion, weight gain, and fatigue. You want to think "light foods”. Build your diet around fruits and vegetables, and avoid heavy foods like cheese, cow’s milk, beef, and lamb. 

Keeping the doshas in balance helps to support a healthy mind, spirit, and body. Learn your constitution at Banyan Botanicals online. If you have access to the internet you can take a dosha quiz at You will be amazed to see how spot on your results are! It is encouraging to know that there is not a one-size-fits-all diet we should all be following.

We are unique and powerful beings and we require foods that support those individual needs. So you can eat to lose weight or eat to numb the senses… or you can eat for your dosha and enjoy an entirely new relationship with food.

Billy Rosa is a registered nurse, integrative nurse coach visiting faculty, University of Rwanda