Police need more support from public

Editor, RE: “Why police needs the very best candidates” (The New Times, June 28).

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


RE: "Why police needs the very best candidates” (The New Times, June 28).

Much as Rwanda National Police (RNP) is doing a lot in terms of ensuring public safety and security for all, it cannot do it alone, without the help of the public. Sometimes how some of us behave towards men and women in uniform is not proper, especially when we are in the wrong.

To my fellow citizens, I find it better always to assist Police in recommending and selecting very good and disciplined young Rwandans to join the Force. I am happy and proud of our Rwanda National Police for their professionalism and integrity.

Emmanuel Ruta

****************************As the RNP, have you ever paused, stepped back and took a hard look at the continuing necessity, efficiency and effectiveness of your over reliance on the "deterrence” aspect? It seems to be one of your cherished doctrines. Sometimes, its consequences may outweigh the intended benefits.
