Yoga - taming the mind and body

June 21 is World Yoga Day, a day to remind people about benefits of yoga. Yoga is the combination of both body and mind. One does not need to go to any particular place or outdoors to do yoga. No material is required, not much space is needed. One just needs to put a mat to sit or stand upon.

Sunday, June 26, 2016
Dr Rachna Pande 

June 21 is World Yoga Day, a day to remind people about benefits of yoga. 

Yoga is the combination of both body and mind. One does not need to go to any particular place or outdoors to do yoga. No material is required, not much space is needed. One just needs to put a mat to sit or stand upon.

Yogic exercises are of different kinds done in either lying or sitting or standing positions. Some exercises can be done in any of these positions, some are done in exclusively one position, while other exercises require change of position.

There are certain exercises which are common between yoga and other physiotherapeutic exercises. But the difference is that in yoga each exercise is done while concentrating on inspiration and expiration. This influences body’s internal physiology.

A very simple exercise is to lie down straight and elevating the legs straight up at 90 degrees, with hands supporting the hips. This exercise makes the body flexible and toned up, strengthens the back muscles and it also helps in keeping the waist lines and hips trim.

One can sit straight or stand straight, with arms outstretched straight in front. Initially fingers are flexed and extended 5 to 10 times, then the hands are flexed and extended, to be followed by rotation of wrists both clockwise and anti-clockwise directions. This exercise is very useful for people suffering from arthritis of small joints.

Another series of exercise is; one sits on the mat straight with the arms kept on the sides. Initially the toes are flexed and extended for about 5 to 10 times, then the feet are flexed and extended. This ensures flexibility of joints and helps patients of rheumatoid arthritis. After this you have to put your right leg across left knee, hold foot with left hand and slowly rotate the foot both clock wise and anti-clock wise about at least 5 times. Then hold the right foot and leg straight with the left foot and with the right hand rotate the right knee both clockwise and anti-clockwise at least 5 times.

Same series of movements can then be repeated with the left leg crossed over right leg. This exercise is very useful to maintain flexibility of knees and legs. This prevents or minimizes osteoarthritis of old age.

This series of exercise is continued by an exercise called, butterfly position. In this one sits on the mat with knees flexed and both feet facing one another, held by both hands. Feet are placed as close to the perineum as possible. Feet are kept fixed and one tries to touch the knees to the ground. Those who do it for long regularly are able to touch the ground with the knees, but for others doing the trial is good enough.

This movement can be started from 5 to 10 times and increased up to 50 to 100 times. This entire series of exercise when done regularly helps move the bowels regularly and cures constipation. The "butterfly” position is very useful for toning up perineal muscles. It prevents enlargement of prostrate in men in old age, helps women to get relief in problems related to menstruation like heavy bleeding, irregular menses and troublesome menopausal symptoms. All these exercises are to be done on an empty stomach, either in the morning before breakfast or about 2 hours after food any time.

But one particular exercise is to be followed after food. After meals one should sit straight whenever possible with arms stretched on knees, legs flexed and feet below hips for few minutes.

In this position functioning of internal organs like the stomach and intestines are augmented, thereby helping in digestion, useful in pregnancy to ensure normal hassle free delivery.

There are hundreds of exercises useful for various problems. All these exercises have to be done slowly without any jerks otherwise they can be harmful. Number and time should be increased slowly. Relaxation is must after exercise to stabilise the internal physiology. Relaxation can be in the form of simple deep breathing done in either sitting or standing positions. Another way of relaxation is a special type of position like a dead person. In this a person lies down supine with his arms kept loose at his sides. The mind should be allowed to dwell on beautiful and positive things. Few minutes of this relaxation technique is as much refreshing as few hours of sleep. This is recommended after finishing exercise, but can also be done after feeling tired because of excess work.

One can commence doing yogic exercises right now. When done regularly, correctly and patiently, he or she would definitely get positive results in the form of good physical and mental health.

Dr Rachna Pande is a specialist in internal medicine at Ruhengeri Hospital