Your concerns: Does mixing coffee and tea pose health risks?

Dear Doctor, I like trying out new things. And of late, I am into mixing coffee and tea for breakfast. Does this pose any health risks? Angelique

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Dear Doctor,

I like trying out new things. And of late, I am into mixing coffee and tea for breakfast. Does this pose any health risks?


Dear Angelique,

Tea and coffee are very popular beverages the world over. They are refreshing and mind stimulating. However, each has its own health hazards which manifest when it is consumed in excess or in some people when taken over a long time. Tea contains fluorine, which in excess can affect teeth and the skeletal system. It blocks thiamine thus causing thiamine deficiency. This manifests as tingling, numbness and abnormal sensations in the body. Severe thiamine deficiency leads to swelling over hands and feet and entire body. It also blocks absorption of iron and heavy tea drinkers can develop iron deficiency anemia. Tea consumption is also linked to some cancers. Tannin present in tea is related to heart diseases.

Coffee also depletes the body of thiamine leading to thiamine deficiency. It increases acid production, which causes burning pain in chest and or abdomen with or without nausea and vomiting. It is known to enhance atherosclerosis (fat deposition in blood vessels of heart)) leading to heart attacks and is independent risk factor for hypertension. Electrolyte imbalance can occur in the body due to coffee, which manifests as weakness and muscular cramps. It is also linked to some cancers. Studies have linked coffee to some birth abnormalities in babies if coffee is consumed during pregnancy.

I do not know how it tastes, but mixing tea and coffee together does not seem a very good idea. Because the harmful effects of each can be multiplied.

Dr Rachna Pande  is a specialist in internal medicine at Ruhengeri Hospital