Too old for school Sophie Kamya

Durga Kami, a 68 year old father of six and grandfather of eight from Nepal recently returned to school and is now a Form Three Student at one of his country’s high schools.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Durga Kami, a 68 year old father of six and grandfather of eight from Nepal recently returned to school and is now a Form Three Student at one of his country’s high schools.

He says his lifelong dream is to become a teacher but his parents were poor so he never got a chance to go to school. His other reason for attending school now is that he was lonely after losing his wife.

He needs something to do because all his children are also grown and have left home. While I understand his dilemma, I also think 68 is a bit too old to be attempting to cram all that school work.

Education is important but in Durga’s case, what really is the point? Good thing is that he knows what he wants to do and that is to teach, but it will be at least six or seven years before he qualifies to become a teacher and he would be 75 then. Who’ll hire him?

Most people are retired by then but even if he got a teaching position, they would likely ask for experience and this is already someone who doesn’t have time on his side. I can tell you I would not be in school at that age. I loved school but I have to say I found it stressful as well, especially the endless tests and exams.

Don’t even get me started on the coursework and Research Papers at University. I would hate to have to stay up reading or preparing those at his age. The only way I would study at all is if perhaps a tutor came over to my house and the sessions were just a few hours a week.

This man is studying six days a week and even has to wear school uniform! I wonder what will happen when he fails a test. Will he get a pass from his teachers or will he be forced to repeat the class?

And what if he breaks school rules? Like talking in class or turning up late for school? Will he be punished like the younger students? I don’t know if corporal punishment is still practiced in Nepal.

I hope no one canes this poor man. I just thought of my friends and a couple of relatives who’re passionate about education too. Some have Master’s Degrees and others are pursuing PhDs and while I envy their pursuits, I’m not about to go back to school. I neither have the time nor the money.

My career choice is not rewarding in terms of remuneration and while I at times wish I had pursued some prestigious courses like Medicine or Engineering, I know I would have hated the classes.

I’m glad we have dedicated brilliant minds who opted for those fields or else we wouldn’t have doctors to treat us and other professionals making the world a much better place but personally, whatever education I got before I started looking for employment will do.