Why you should start saving for retirement right from your first job

It is always said that age is just a number. However, that (number) may come with a multitude of questions about whether you have done enough to prepare for comfortable life as a senior citizen or retiree.

Monday, May 30, 2016
It is important to save for comfortable life in retirement. (File)

It is always said that age is just a number. However, that (number) may come with a multitude of questions about whether you have done enough to prepare for comfortable life as a senior citizen or retiree.

Most people in the corporate world are always deceived by the ‘security’ of a monthly pay-cheque, and never push aside part of their savings for rainy day, including retirement. For many, retirement seems to far away, and therefore can wait. But wait a minute, what you think is many years or decades ahead could arrive when you are ill-prepared. So, if you don’t start saving for retirement today, then when will you? What if you are forced to retire because of an accident or sickness? To be fore warned is to be fore armed, safeguarding you from any eventualities.

Some people are lucky and save with the national social security fund, but the majority are not. For these, retirement schemes offered by private firms are ideal, while others may choose to invest in property like land or real estate, as well as the stock market. Whatever retirement scheme you choose, stay committed and remit your contributions as required. Those that opt to save for their retirement by buying land or shares, it is also advisable that you continue expanding and diversfying your profile to avoid shocks, especially if one is investing in stocks.

With the cost of medical care and that of standard of living going up daily, this requires sacrifice, commitment and focus, besides having a clear plan for all your schemes and investments. Why save for retirement should not be a question in 2016. It is important for you to think about where your income will come from when you retire.

Therefore, it’s critical that you save as much as possible now, so that your resources will sustain you over a long and rewarding retirement.

When planning for retirement you will need to decide whether this is enough to live on in retirement, few people realise that providing the required level of income in retirement requires a substantial level of saving, according to Internet sources.

Doreen Gashuga, the Business Development Fund business development advisor, says it is important to have a plan and determine how to distribute and use your retirement savings. "Most people in retirement face high cost of healthcare. So, if you didn’t take into account the impact on your lifestyle in old age, you are likely to face huge medicare bills,” she adds. Ivan Gatete, the manager of Real Furniture Production, says the sooner one starts saving for retirement, the more wealth you will accumulate. Gatete advises against careless lifestyle, saying it could disrupt one from contributing to their retirement scheme.

What is certain is that whoever does not plan for retirement is planning for misery at a time when they are supposed to be enjoying the fruits of their working days. So, the time to start planning for your retirement is now.