Pay attention to regular gastric and intestinal discomfort

It’s rare to meet a person on this planet who has not encountered a digestive upset in his or her life time. The digestive system is an important and complex structure of our body system. It is a very sensitive part of the body and coordinates many biochemical processes inside our body system.

Sunday, May 22, 2016
Dr Joseph Kamugisha

It’s rare to meet a person on this planet who has not encountered a digestive upset in his or her life time.

The digestive system is an important and complex structure of our body system. It is a very sensitive part of the body and coordinates many biochemical processes inside our body system.

Most of the digestive problems are minor or temporary and disappear without medication. But there are cases where people develop digestive upsets on a regular basis.

Though there might be exogenous causes such as intoxication, among others, the autoimmune illnesses dominate most of the regular abdominal or gastro-intestinal discomforts.

In our body system, there are always degenerative changes that can accompany various autoimmune illnesses, but the most important focal point is the digestive tract.

Some of the indications or symptoms that your body system is struggling or fighting to overcome autoimmune illness include excessive bloats or bloats with regular release of foul smell gas production.

Other common symptoms include ill-defined discomfort in the abdomen following meals or even during meals, diarrhea and sometimes chronic constipation.

The digestive autoimmune discomforts should not be misinterpreted by immediate and minor digestive problems that occur due to delayed or prolonged digestion.

Indigestion in our body can be caused by many factors, among them stress.

Not every abdominal bloat with foul smell is linked to autoimmune illinesses. Sometimes it depends on the type of meals.

For example, some people have intolerance to dairy products but cannot afford to miss meals with dairy products, or people with intolerance to yeast products or sugary products, which leads to indigestion. If you prefer a sweet potatoes meal everyday with milk then do not confuse your status with that arising from autoimmune illnesses.

There is a difference in occurrence and onset of these symptoms linked to autoimmune illnesses or not.

Think of your digestive tract as your first physical line of defense against autoimmune illness based on what has been explored above.

From your mouth down to the anus, the lining of your digestive tract is continuous just like the skin that covers your body.

This technically makes your digestive tract lining similar to your outer skin in the sense that it acts as a barrier that protects your blood and inner tissues against undesirable substances in your environment.

Once the lining of your digestive tract begins to break down due to occurrence of some genetic mutations, this allows formation of antigen-antibody complex that occurs whenever incompletely digested protein leaks through the damaged digestive tract into the blood stream.

The same goes for exogenous toxins like synthetic chemicals found in cosmetic products.

In the digestive tract, the effects of leaky gut syndrome and the formation of antigen-antibody complexes contribute to occurrence of symptoms highlighted above.

Leaky gut syndrome is a medical condition that currently lacks enough researchers and it is an area of interest. Scientists are currently struggling to find the right medication for this condition.

Regular digestive discomforts is a manifestation that your body’s self-healing mechanisms are already exposed to stress or hard work in repairing damages that can be due to exogenous invasion into your gastro-intestinal tract or autoimmune linked illness.

Just as your body predictably works to heal a cut on your skin the moment the cut is created, your body is constantly on the alert for trouble spots in other parts of your body to respond or repair damaged areas.

The difference between your digestive tract and your skin is that you can see your skin and clearly determine if your daily choices are helping or hindering your self-healing mechanisms as they work to repair a cut.

When you keep a cut on your skin clean and protected against abrasive objects, your body can almost always successfully restore it to health.

But when it comes to your digestive tract, it is not as easy for you to know how your daily food and lifestyle choices are helping or hindering your body’s attempt to heal damaged areas.

Inversely, it can be very meaningful to know the type of foods that make us develop lack of rest or factors that exert pressure on our digestive tract.