[EDITORIAL] Dusingizimana's cricket exploits a true sign of resilience

As all eyes and attention were directed towards the World Economic Forum (WEF) for Africa, an equally important event was quietly taking place at the Amahoro National Stadium.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

As all eyes and attention were directed towards the World Economic Forum (WEF) for Africa, an equally important event was quietly taking place at the Amahoro National Stadium.

Many were not aware of the event apart from cricket enthusiasts because the game is yet to be a household sport. But a young cricketer, Eric Dusingizimana, did much more than just bringing it to Rwandan living rooms; he placed the country and his feat on the world stage.

Dusingizimana broke the Guinness world record for continuously batting for 51 straight hours, a daunting task that needed tremendous endurance.

What makes his achievements even sweeter was that he was testing his physical and mental capacities for a good cause; raising money to build a permanent home for cricket.

It has been pointed out several times that this country is where it is today because of its people’s resilience and sacrifice, and Dusingizimana epitomized the same values. It takes a lot of resilience to swing a bat for more than two days without stopping, and all for a noble cause.

Despite his record-breaking exploit having been shadowed by the WEF, concerned authorities should not let this young man’s accomplishment go to waste, but should instead be used as a vehicle to promote self sacrifice for a good cause.

The youth should be encouraged that nothing is impossible if one puts his or her heart into it and setting the sky as the limit. It is the likes of Dusingizimana who deserve national recognition as he has acted as a good role model and again put this country on the world map.