21 QUESTIONS: I’m not as talkative as I am on TV or radio...

Her voice is popular on morning radio shows; her face has been spotted many times on stage and even in night clubs. She is a deejay, emcee, dancer, actress, radio presenter and so much more.

Thursday, May 05, 2016
Anita Pendo. (Net photo)

Her voice is popular on morning radio shows; her face has been spotted many times on stage and even in night clubs. She is a deejay, emcee, dancer, actress, radio presenter and so much more. The first born of seven children, the charismatic Anita Pendo shared with Sharon Kantengwa a few things people might not know about her.

1. Weaves or braids?


2. Makeup or natural?

I love to look natural.

3. In regards to movies, action or romance?

Romance. 4. What are you afraid of?

Death and running broke.

5. If you weren’t a media personality, what would you be?

A pilot or a soldier.

6. Who would you lend money, a friend or relative?

I would be shy to ask a relative to pay my money back so I would lend a friend.

7. What’s the biggest turn off?

Telling lies.

8. What’s the one song you would listen to all year?

I Love You by Celine Dion.

9. Worst fashion trend ever?

Lady Gaga’s meat dress. 10. What’s the one thing you wish you knew when you were younger?

That money is hard earned.

11. The most romantic holiday destination?


12. What question do you hate to answer?

What is your relationship status?

13. Who is your celebrity crush?

Nick Canon.

14. What’s your favourite TV show?

The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

15. What is the one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I am not as talkative as I am on TV, radio or on stage.

16. What’s your definition of a perfect weekend?

Going out with friends, watching a good movie, having a good meal, going to the sauna and gym and going to church.

17. Not attractive and live forever, or attractive and die in a year?

Not attractive and live forever because I can wear makeup or have plastic surgery.

18. What’s the best pick up line you’ve ever heard?

Is your dad a preacher? Because you are a blessing.

19. What item in your closet do you wear the most?

Dresses, though it used to be short shorts.

20. Your ideal man; lean or muscular?

Both work for me.

21. If you had one question to ask God, what would it be?

Why did he allow Satan to have power over us?
