Enforce safety measures in the work place

Editor, RE: “Labour Day to focus on support for young entrepreneurs” (The New Times, April 22).

Sunday, April 24, 2016
A carpenter in a workshop, workers need protective gear while working. (File)


RE: "Labour Day to focus on support for young entrepreneurs” (The New Times, April 22).

This picture showing a carpenter in a workshop in Gaculiro simply continues to reinforce what I have noticed, in regards to health and safety in the workplace in Rwanda, particularly in sectors such as carpentry, construction and the likes: we still have a way to go to maximize workers health and safety in the workplace.

From what I can see, the gentleman in a green T-shirt has his hands, eyes and head exposed to potential sources of injuries. Basically, he is not wearing what should be considered as proper equipment in that kind of work environment.

I will be curious to know if the Ministry of Public Service and Labour is doing something to find a solution to that.
