Who is the UN shielding by refusing to transfer ICTR archive to Rwanda?

Editor, RE: “UN should transfer ICTR archives to Rwanda, their natural home” (The New Times, April 13).

Monday, April 18, 2016
The ICTR in session during the hearing of the Butare trial. (Net photo)


RE: "UN should transfer ICTR archives to Rwanda, their natural home” (The New Times, April 13).

What really is the UN afraid of if the archives are transferred to Rwanda? Whom among its more powerful members are they trying to shield from deserved scrutiny that the archives would bring to light for their role in the Genocide against the Tutsi and the subsequent (and continuing) efforts to try and muddy the waters to minimize their involvement with the génocidaires before, during and after?

I am sure most Rwandans, as well as many objective observers, would have no problem guessing the identities and governments the UN is trying to shield by depriving Rwanda of the custody of the archives and independent researchers of full access to them.

Most Rwandans have by now learnt that the UN rarely does anything because of the reasons it gives.

Mwene Kalinda