Rwanda's medical tourism has potential

Editor, RE: “Rwanda has what it takes to ‘become health tourism hub’” (The New Times, March 28).

Sunday, April 10, 2016


RE: "Rwanda has what it takes to ‘become health tourism hub’” (The New Times, March 28).

We need to harness this enormous potential; it makes economic sense to keep these hard-earned currencies here and reinvest it wisely. Government is determined, but this shouldn’t be a lonely walk—private sector is expected to add value to medical tourism.

Home owners, why not streamline building codes to be friendly to patients? To accommodate wheelchairs, elevators, care for people with disabilities?

Honestly, Government is working hard on modernisation of hospitals and skills development of medical personnel; my dream is equally premised on seeing partnership developed between hospitals and estates developers in vicinity of our hospitals.

Our high scores on IT and connectivity, environment, hygiene and sanitation, high skilled doctors and nurses, modern medical equipment should be propped up with equal and corresponding business acumen, especially marketing, in order to become a medical hub.