Evaluate impact of female excellence awards

Editor, RE: This is with reference to the story: “First Lady: It is every community's duty to ensure children attend school” (The New Times, April 4).

Tuesday, April 05, 2016


RE: This is with reference to the story: "First Lady: It is every community's duty to ensure children attend school” (The New Times, April 4).

The First Lady makes her country proud—great job by her and the Imbuto Foundation. There is a need to have a follow-up of the awarded students and to exactly establish what kind of impact, if any, they are creating among their communities after being conferred the certificates.

We should be able to lead them to attain their highest level of education—say a degree—and, where possible, to know what they are doing after their graduation.

Like the famous Ben Carson does with children he once saved today he knows some are mathematicians, scientists, big entrepreneurs, doctors, engineers, pilots...

Harvard University too knows where its graduates are today, what they are doing and what impact they have created in their societies.

Imbuto Foundation can also do the same to its awarded girls and know their final destiny. Otherwise you may find a once best performing girl running in an endless desert while she would have been an important person for her family, society and country.
