Expert Voice: Re-evaluate your parent's position

Dear counsellor, My parents want me to study from Uganda, saying that’s where I can get quality education. However, I don’t agree with them, I feel I can make most of my education here at home. How can I convince my parents to let me study here in my country? Yours Batamuriza

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Dear counsellor,

My parents want me to study from Uganda, saying that’s where I can get quality education. However, I don’t agree with them, I feel I can make most of my education here at home. How can I convince my parents to let me study here in my country?

Yours Batamuriza

On several occasions, it’s quite complex to influence parents to let you do something they are against. At this point it’s paramount that you evaluate the strength of your choice as opposed to that of your parents so that they could be convinced to endorse your idea. The decision to study in your own country versus studying abroad depends on your values, finances, career goals and personal preferences. Probably the greatest advantage of home study is the fact that you never leave your home country and you keep a close physical contact with your family and relatives. Similarly, Familiarity with your environment allows you to focus on school instead of dealing with culture shock or language barriers. The alumni social network is also greatly established on the home soil and such acquaintance with this kind of network can be references when you’re applying for jobs or graduate school.

Never the less, your parents have the potential to see far into your future career opportunities and would often struggle to have you achieve the best. Studying in your own country may not adequately expose you to other cultures and customs. Furthermore, if you haven’t stepped outside the comfort zone by venturing outside your own country, employers may question your willingness to adapt, take risks and get along with co-workers whose backgrounds differ from your own. The experiences students have while studying abroad often ignites their interest in academic pursuits, and they return home with an added vigor toward their coursework.

Employers often seek employees with a wide academic and social exposure plus the ability to speak other languages or understand other cultures. Studying abroad is imperative for students who wish to enter international business, and employers look for the skills people who studied abroad have, such as communication, analytical abilities, teamwork and flexibility. Re-evaluate your decision and borrow your parent’s idea. You’ll add great value to yourself and will gain a competitive advantage on the future global labour market.


Brian Ntwari, student

Dear Batamuriza, I understand that you wish to study from here, and yes we have good universities and a good education system in the country. However, since you don’t pay fees for yourself, you have to go by parents’ decision in good faith; and look at studying outside the country as an opportunity to reap big from the education system there and improve your mindset.

Janet Mutesi, student

Consider writing down the major benefits for you as a student studying in your country, and most importantly, the opportunities you are likely to access, with your experience and knowledge gotten from our education system. I believe, when your parents see the opportunities for university students available here, for instance employment; I don’t doubt she will be convinced to honour your request.

Linda Mutamba, student

Our education system has greatly improved to an impressive level. The knowledge and skills given are of quality and this has helped the system to gain international accreditation. So in my opinion, you don’t have to give up on your dream of getting your university studies here, but besides, look for someone who studied here that your parents know closely to help you make your case.

Noela Mutesi, Student

The best way possible I see of convincing your parents is to talk to someone close to them who as well studied from here so that he/she will show them the benefits of studying in Rwanda. The person will also prove to them the kind of quality education you are likely to get studying here at home.

By Dennis Agaba