Crazy things we do for love

So, Seif Eldin Mustafa hijacked an EgyptAir plane earlier this week and forced it to land in Cyprus in an attempt to win his ex-wife back. Opinion is split on whether he should be jailed or freed. He probably will spend some time in prison but part of me envies his guts.

Saturday, April 02, 2016

So, Seif Eldin Mustafa hijacked an EgyptAir plane earlier this week and forced it to land in Cyprus in an attempt to win his ex-wife back. Opinion is split on whether he should be jailed or freed. He probably will spend some time in prison but part of me envies his guts.

That is some love he has for his ex-wife. I don’t know the circumstances or grounds of their divorce but the Internet being the Internet, some people don’t have any kind words for Mustafa, calling him everything from outright crazy to crackhead and saying that is exactly why his wife divorced him in the first place. 

Personally, I empathise with him. Love makes people do crazy things and often, love-struck men and women don’t stop to think how their actions will be perceived by other people. All they care about is the object of their affection and if they think something will impress that person, they will do it. 

I’m just glad no one was hurt by Mustafa’s stunt but things could easily have gotten out of control. The pilot and crew could have panicked and a shootout might have ensued and some of those on board could have been caught up in the crossfire... 

The good thing is that they all survived with just a scare and Mustafa seems to be nothing more than a man trying to get the love of his life back. If you haven’t been in love or loved anyone that much, don’t be so quick to judge him. If he were my man, I think I’d take him back for going to so much trouble to impress me. 

However, he also seems unstable so I would also make sure he got help just so he doesn’t attempt to hijack "bigger” planes, say Air Force One next time because then the US Secret Service wouldn’t waste any time taking him out! 

I like how several people aren’t taking this incident too seriously either, with many joking that Mustafa has now set the bar so high for men trying to patch broken relationships or those simply trying to score with girls. You can no longer just buy her coffee or take her shopping. You have to hijack something. 

I’ve been racking my brain trying to come up with at least one crazy thing I’ve done for love and I have to admit I came up empty. Unless going out with a young man my parents had forbidden me from seeing counts as crazy. It was a long time ago. First or Second year at university and it wasn’t even a serious relationship but you know how your rebellious streak is stirred once parents try to interfere.

Someone spotted me hanging out with the guy somewhere and told an uncle who then told my dad and I had to sit through a long lecturer of why I should focus on school and how parents always know best and such. I guess my dad was right seeing as I’m not married to that man now. I don’t even know where he is. So much for young love. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done for love?