Pursuant to the provisions of the law no 44/2015 of 14/09/2015 governing the student loans and bursaries, employers having staff who benefited from the student loans scheme have a duty to inform the Development Bank of Rwanda (BRD), a financial institution that has been mandated by the Government to manage the student loan scheme, in writing about their staff who benefited from student loans scheme.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Pursuant to the provisions of the law no 44/2015 of 14/09/2015 governing the student loans and bursaries, employers having staff who benefited from the student loans scheme have a duty to inform the Development Bank of Rwanda (BRD), a financial institution that has been mandated by the Government to manage the student loan scheme, in writing about their staff who benefited from student loans scheme.

This announcement serves to kindly request employers to fill the form accessible form BRD website: and submit it to BRD.

The form signed and stamped shall be submitted electronically through in PDF, of submitted to BRD, Education Finance offices, located at Kacyiru, KG 541 Street.