Cash has become an issue in US elections

Dear editor,It is no longer an African issue to use a lot of money in elections.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Dear editor,
It is no longer an African issue to use a lot of money in elections.

In an e-mail to supporters, the Arizona senator, John McCain wrote asking for financial support to help him respond to attacks against him from the Obama camp.

Ironically, the McCain campaign had criticised Obama for using a lot of money in the campaigns.

This comes when the elections are just three days away.

So you can imagine how determined these candidates are to win.

The west should therefore stop castigating African leaders for spending big sums of money for campaigns.

Of course we know also that our own amass lots of money from all sorts of dubious deals for buying the electorate later, which is not the case for the American presidential campaigners.

Still, it is food for thought that even in developed worlds, the presence of lots of campaign cash has become such an important factor in winning, or losing for that matter.