Trump does not represent the America I was born and raised in

Editor, RE: “Yes, Donald Trump represents mainstream American politics” (The New Times, March 14).

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


RE: "Yes, Donald Trump represents mainstream American politics” (The New Times, March 14).

While the commentary sounds intellectual, it is quite obvious that the writer is far from well versed with the politics of the USA and the catastrophe of a man named Donald Trump.

The truth of the matter is Donald Trump lives in America as an immigrant as most of the 1 billion plus people do.

His family is from Germany and his grandfather was a member of the Klu Klux Klan, a racist group designed to rid, exterminate and terrify people of colour and people who associated with people of colour.

The commentator speaks of Trump’s position on a wide range of subjects...but it is clear that he has done little to no research to back this statement because, see, the problem is, Donald Trump has no position on anything.

He clearly states repeatedly at his rallies "Isn’t this fun?” without ever really addressing issues.

If you think denigrating and insulting blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, Jews, handicap individuals, women, and even Africans – of whom he says are lazy and thieves – is taking a position on "issues” that would constitute him being President of America you are sadly mistaken.

America, like any other country, has its issues. But it is has been a refuge, a land of the free and a land of better opportunity for people from all over the world for decades. America was founded by Native Americans and history was twisted to make it appear as if a white man founded it.

America was invaded, just like so many other countries, by Europeans who seem to think that their two cents is worth more than anyone else’s. This is the exact reason you see people at Trump rallies with shirts reading, "Make America white again.”

Donald’s entire campaign is driven by fear. Fear of the power that was weakened when President Barack Obama was put into office. Anger that a person of colour became the leader of the most powerful nation in the world. The Donald represents hate, evil and ignorance – none of which is a depiction of the wholeness of the America that I was born and raised in.

What Trump has done is shine a light on the gross amount of racism in America. What he has done is prove that Europeans do not only think that they own America but that others are illegally on their territory.

What he has done is prove that there is really evil in this world. What he has proven is that money talks and seeks no solace in logic.

Lastly, while the writer had anything to say about America, it is important to note that US AID is very American and while one may not like aspects of America, we are everywhere helping everybody.

Oh and by the way... Apple pie is not "American”. It was derived from the British, Dutch and Swedish and brought to America in the same manner that they have imposed their likes and systems on so many countries in Africa.

Check your facts and educate yourself before you speak on America.

Trice Dorrall