Yes, Donald Trump represents mainstream American politics

Editor, RE: “Donald Trump is as made in America as the rest of them” (The New Times, March 8). If Trump is the easy runaway frontrunner for the Republican nomination, it is precisely because his position on a wide range of issues easily strikes a chord with his party’s voters.

Sunday, March 13, 2016


RE: "Donald Trump is as made in America as the rest of them” (The New Times, March 8). If Trump is the easy runaway frontrunner for the Republican nomination, it is precisely because his position on a wide range of issues easily strikes a chord with his party’s voters.

Embarrassed American elites are furiously trying to convince us foreigners that Trump is really an aberration, an extreme outlier from the US mainstream. Pure twaddle; he is the mainstream American politics and society finally shorn of any pretence and fancy packaging.

The American political and economic establishment may have a hissy fit that this man they see as a buffoon is finally smashing through the media Maginot Line and getting over, under and around them to arouse the great unwashed masses to finally throw out the rascals in their cosy duopoly out of power, but let them not tell us The Donald Is Not America.

He is as America as apple pie, only shorn of the usual touchy-feel-good marketing for international audiences. And what you see is what you will get from his presidency; no false advertising from him with soaring pre-election oratory preaching hope and change we could all believe in.

Mwene Kalinda