How do lightning strikes occur?

Dear editor, I was recently flabbergasted when lightning hit some cows and a big sign post in Nyagasambo village. Residents and particularly the owner of the cows were very afraid.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Dear editor,

I was recently flabbergasted when lightning hit some cows and a big sign post in Nyagasambo village. Residents and particularly the owner of the cows were very afraid.

What the owner did in frustration was to shift his few remaining cows to another area. He was convinced that someone had ‘bewitched’ him and his animals, and went for refuge somewhere else.

All these notwithstanding, the local authorities should be able to teach people the causes of such scenarios. Shifting is not going to help them at all, as they will remain under the sky.

It is important that local leaders call upon experts to talk to the people! It is a question that I myself will be greatly interested in knowing the answer to: how can lightning strike one part of a field and the other is cleanly left green?

Another time lightning struck cows under a tree dead, but the tree itself remained standing and evergreen. If there are any experts out there, we need an answer to this.
