Re-thinking urban design

Editor, RE: “Re-thinking the indicators of SDG, a case of urban design” (The New Times, January 15).

Monday, January 18, 2016


RE: "Re-thinking the indicators of SDG, a case of urban design” (The New Times, January 15).

Very impressive views indeed! I’m afraid though that we ought to appreciate the depth levels of knowledge of our citizens, the issues of urban environment, design solutions are alien to a huge section of our population that is meant to benefit from these modern approaches.

You would rather, as well versed professionals, come up with conducive solutions of our citizens encompassing their needs such as jobs, social amenities, easy transportation systems…but before undertaking such grand projects, local beneficiaries should be sensitised, engaged and actually widely benefit them as employment or private business participation from execution of such projects.

Alfred Ndabarasa