Balbine Mutoni on why she decided to come back for Miss Rwanda 2016

Balbine Mutoni is the former Miss High school 2014, 4th runner up Miss Rwanda 2015 and a journalist with radio 10. She was selected as the best three in the provincial Miss Rwanda 2016 beauty contest to represent the Western Province, and learning from her past experience, the 20 year old is determined to win the 2016 Miss Rwanda crown.

Sunday, January 17, 2016
Balbine Mutoni.

Balbine Mutoni is the former Miss High school 2014, 4th runner up Miss Rwanda 2015 and a journalist with radio 10. She was selected as the best three in the provincial Miss Rwanda 2016 beauty contest to represent the Western Province, and learning from her past experience, the 20 year old is determined to win the 2016 Miss Rwanda crown.

She talked to Sunday Magazine’s Sharon Kantengwa about her decision to rerun and her intentions after she gets the crown

Why did you choose to come back?

To be honest, the very first motivation for me to come back was my dad because he always believes in me even if I didn’t make it last time. He wanted me to try my luck again. On the other hand however, after some time, a person changes to someone else and I believe I’m better than yesterday and that I am better than who I was last year.

Don’t you think having been in this pageant before has an advantage over the new comers?

Every contest comes with new challenges, new tasks and brings about a whole new experience. The only advantage is that I have more confidence because this is not the first time I am facing the Miss Rwanda judges. I think I have all it takes to win the crown, although it will depend on the judges and audience who will look at me.

How have these pageants transformed your life?

Being part of the Miss Rwanda is a really nice experience and even if you don’t win the crown, there are a lot of opportunities we get out there. There is a difference you make as person from the way you were before, especially because we are exposed to a lot of people.

I feel there is a big difference between Miss Rwanda and Miss High School because back then I was still a young kid in high school, and to me, this is the biggest training. All of us participating in the competition inspire one another. Someone inspires me and I inspire them back. Everyone has done something great and inspiring.

Do you have any critics against your decision to rerun?

Although I have met some people who ask questions as if in doubt of my capabilities, I haven’t met any big critics. So far I haven’t gotten anyone saying I’m not going to make it. People are instead encouraging me.

What is your philosophy in life?

I have a friend who lives abroad and he keeps telling me that I can do better than what I have done, and I believe him. Although I have achieved some of the things that I wanted to, I feel there is more to what I have already done that I have to go for.

What are your intentions in case you win the crown?

If I become Miss Rwanda 2016 there is a lot in mind that I want to do but first of all before I do anything new, I have to start the project that I presented last time. There is no way that I can stand before Rwandans and present to them something new, yet what I told them last time is not fulfilled. So my very first project is finishing up what I started last year- the IT project.

Another project that I am keen on is lobbying NGOs to help students who can’t get into universities because they don’t have funds.