Help pensioners from Burundi

Editor, RE: “Rwandans who worked in Burundi petition Kagame over pension” (The New Times, January 13).

Saturday, January 16, 2016


RE: "Rwandans who worked in Burundi petition Kagame over pension” (The New Times, January 13).

These Rwandans need sympathy from all of us. However, I do not understand how our Government can give pension benefits to people who worked and contributed to a pension fund in another country.

This does not mean though that the Government cannot do something for them.

The Government can, for instance, find out for them how they can sue Burundi as a country and also foot their legal bill? I also believe that there is a court somewhere either at the UN or AU level that can handle their case.

The same help should have been extended to Rwandans who were brutally chased from Tanzania leaving behind all their property they had worked for their entire lives in the country. Their case could have probably been easy as we are now part of the East Africa Community (EAC).
