What you need to be a good debator

Brenda Kayitesi started debating in her class, and because of her passion and determination, later on she began representing her school and country in different international competitions, making them proud by wining several awards. Today, she travels to different countries worldwide because of her debating skills

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Brenda Kayitesi started debating in her class, and because of her passion and determination, later on she began representing her school and country in different international competitions, making them proud by wining several awards. Today, she travels to different countries worldwide because of her debating skills. This is possible for you too; the tips below will enlighten you about debating, and help you emulate the good example set by Kayitesi.

Follow the form, if debating formally. If you’re going to be debating in a formal setting, such as for a class or for a club, you’ll want to be sure you know how a debate actually works. Formal debates follow a formula, and you’ll want to know that formula like the back of your hand so that you’re prepared. It’s also important because breaking from the formula can lose you points.

Keep calm. When you debate, stay calm. Don’t start shouting or get angry. This will show weakness to your opponent. Instead, keep your voice even and keep your facial expression neutral. This makes it much harder for your opponent to find what buttons they can press to make you trip up.

Speak clearly. When you talk, speak clearly so that people can understand you. Speaking clearly also makes you sound smarter and more confident. Speak clearly by using a loud enough volume that people can hear you and then enunciate your words. Don’t mumble or slur your words but say each word deliberately and say each syllable carefully.

Explain your logic. When you explain to someone how you arrived at the conclusion that you came to, deliberately and step by step, you’re forcing their brain to think in the same way that yours does.As long as your reasoning is at least good on the surface, this can be one of the most effective ways to bring someone over to your side of the argument.

Act confident. Although you don’t have to actually be confident, acting confident can make you and your argument much more appealing and believable. When you don’t act confident, you communicate (even if it’s not true) that you don’t think your argument is a very good one. You can do some simple, easy things to make yourself appear more confident, though.

Do your research. The more prepared you are for a debate, the better you’ll do. If you really want to guarantee a win as much as possible, do your research. When you know a topic backwards and forwards and from all angles, you’ll be much better prepared to counter any argument your opponent might dream up.