Somalis should stand up for their country

Editor, RE: “Somalia’s first female presidential candidate inspired by Rwanda’s recovery process” (The New Times, December 28).

Monday, December 28, 2015


RE: "Somalia’s first female presidential candidate inspired by Rwanda’s recovery process” (The New Times, December 28).

I got tears in my eyes not because of the talented and inspiring young lady, the presidential aspirant, Faduma Dayib, but because of the impact of her voice.

I followed a number of her talks and so I believe she is a very valuable person. I urge Somali men and women to consider this young lady very seriously because there is no better alternative at the moment.

She is a daughter of Dhulka-Hoyo and she dedicated her life to stand up for our country and national pride.

To Dayib: I am happy that we have you and we will join you in saving our motherland from the ever-deepening calamities of which the chronic social divide, terrorism and clan pomposity are the main causes. We should never allow ourselves to attend the funeral of our motherland.

Abdulahi Dhiblawe