Let us think globally but act locally in saving Planet Earth

The climate is changing, and the impacts on the planet are frightening. Due to burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil and clearing forests we have dramatically increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere and temperatures are rising at an alarming rate.

Thursday, December 03, 2015

The climate is changing, and the impacts on the planet are frightening. Due to burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil and clearing forests we have dramatically increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere and temperatures are rising at an alarming rate.

Experts say the earth is warming faster than at any time in the last centuries. As global warming increases, its effects are being felt from land to sea, from the Equator to the poles. This warming is manifesting changes that can be seen in the weather, our economy, and definitively our health and way of life. Every day we feel the effects of climate change in the form of more extreme weather events like floods and so on.

Yes, the Earth is being ravaged by climate change and the evidence is overwhelming. The scientists sometimes say: "Levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are rising. Temperatures are going up. Springs are arriving earlier. Ice sheets are melting. Sea level is rising. The patterns of rainfall and drought are changing. Heat waves are getting worse, as is extreme precipitation. The oceans are acidifying.”

In such moments, we are called upon to move quickly and boldly to shake off complacency, throw aside old habits, and rise, clear-eyed and alert, to the necessity of actions to save the planet. Those who, for whatever reason, refuse to do their part must be persuaded to join the effort. This is such a moment everyone needs to act.

The planet is in danger. Many species of animals and plants are nearing distinction. Our clean water supply is at risk and more and more of our beautiful, open spaces are disappearing as new buildings and factories are constructed

Imagine a world without clean water, clean air, sustainable land, or living oceans. Our natural resources exist in a delicate balance and are vulnerable to environmental changes. That’s why it’s important that we all do our part to conserve, preserve, and care for the Earth’s resources – and protect the environment that sustains us with food, fuel, shelter and medicine.

The simplest explanation about why this matters is that, as humans, the environment (the Earth) is our home. It is where we live, breathe, eat, and raise our children. Our entire life support system is dependent on the well-being of all of the species living on earth.

Without planet Earth we have nowhere to live, along with many other organisms. If we don’t save the Earth now maybe our children or grandchildren might not be able to see it for long. Our atmosphere is weakening and we have to do something about it right from the local level.

We could plant more trees to create more oxygen to keep the bad air away from the atmosphere, or we could just stop cutting down the rainforest. We are living and we need the space but we are not the only species on this earth. Saving the rainforest is not only good for us and the atmosphere but also good for the many different species.

We could try to get as many people as possible to switch to hybrids and other energy saving things to use less fossil fuel for energy and relying more on solar and wind energy. Fossil fuels are destroying our earth and we need to limit the use of it.

Recycling is a great and easy way to help our precious planet. Everyone can help, all they have to do is follow three simple rules; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Let’s show that we are not taking anything for granted or waiting until the earth and its resources are gone. Our moral obligation to future generations and mother earth demands no less of us.

The greatest impediment to taxing ourselves is to create a better future for posterity is the evolutionary instinct of discounting the future. Until then, here is to the bountiful and sustainable future for all of us derived from the ingenious human mind.

We need to acknowledge that out of all the planets, the one thing that makes Earth unique is the presence of a superb form of intelligent life called the human race. However, somewhere on the way, the human race has forgotten to acknowledge the planet that gave it life; and used its resources ruthlessly and now we have to provide the remedy.

The global actions such as the UN Climate Conference in Paris have continued to provide opportunity to put the world on course to realise these and meet the climate change challenges. However, the task lies at our grassroots level where everyone has to do something.

For instance, Rwanda is moving towards having a green economy, and all sectors like agriculture, power, land-use, and construction, industrial and technological sectors have to step in and make the right efforts in achieving this. Definitely, it is by thinking globally and acting locally that we will save this planet earth!
