Quitting drugs is a battle that can be won

I am a drug addict, I have tried several ways to overcome this addiction, but all in vain. The few friends I have also take drugs, so I have no way to escape. Please advise because this has started affecting my academic performance.

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

I am a drug addict, I have tried several ways to overcome this addiction, but all in vain. The few friends I have also take drugs, so I have no way to escape. Please advise  because this has started affecting my academic performance.

Josh, 20 years old

Joyce Kirabo

Drug addiction is a chronic brain disease that is characterised by obsessive drug seeking and use, despite the destructive consequences. The drugs change the brain structure and impair the mental abilities to reason or execute activities normally. Studies show changes in areas of the brain that are needed to learn and remember, make good decisions and control oneself. There’s no magic buckshot or single treatment that works for everyone when it comes to curing drug addiction. However, recovery is never out of reach no matter how hopeless your situation seems if you make up your mind to quit drugs. This is the first greatest milestone I must applaud you for. Getting addicted to drugs makes you feel apprehensive about what will happen if you don’t keep taking the drug. Nevertheless, quitting is possible with the right treatment and support, and by addressing the root cause of your addiction.

List the pros and cons of quitting, as well as the costs and benefits of continuing the drug abuse. If your addiction has taken a financial toll or compromised your studies, you can gradually beat it with many tactics, all of which call for perseverance and patience.

Consult with a doctor who specialises in chemical addictions or a family therapist.  These professionals can give you guidance on treatment options for your particular drug addiction. In addition to doctors and psychologists, many clergy members, social workers, and counselors offer addiction treatment services. If your previous social life revolved around drugs, you may need to make some new connections to hasten the healing process.

Similarly, you can choose to open up to your family or teacher to have them offer special assistance in your course of healing. Your life story will definitely acquire a new status if you bravely apply these approaches and you will lead a productive post addiction life. Good luck!


Mary Ingabire
Patrick Karasira

Mary Ingabire, Senior Six vacationist:

If you are really committed to overcome this addiction, you need to quit the company of friends around you. No matter how much you try to quit drugs, a company of addicted friends will always drag you back into the habit.

Patrick Karasira, Senior Six vacationist:

Consider talking to a counsellor. Gather some courage and openly talk to a counsellor or a doctor for help. These are qualified personnel and I believe their expertise will help you through.

Phiona Kamikazi
Praise Mutesi

Phiona Kamikazi, employee at Money Transfer Ltd:

Find a good company of friends and if there is an anti-drugs club at your school, kindly join it. Good friends will help you to keep you focused on productive activities, and through the club, you will learn how to overcome the addiction.

Praise Mutesi, sales person:

Find a hobby or a field of interest, such as sports or reading and engage your energy in such productive activities. This will keep your mind engrossed on what is important. Also be passionate about your studies as this will make you busy and keep you away from drugs.