Burundi needs to re-examine the EAC Charter

Editor, RE: “EALA to look into alleged mistreatment of Sezibera in Burundi” (The New Times, November 27).

Tuesday, December 01, 2015


RE: "EALA to look into alleged mistreatment of Sezibera in Burundi” (The New Times, November 27).

The people currently with effective power in Bujumbura (I hesitate to call them a government since they have failed to act as such) have an interestingly unique way of looking at things.

How is it possible for any reasonably intelligent person to think that, if he comes with it, the highest official of the organisation which has appointed the mediator to help sort your mess can be considered not to be on that team? It is like barring the UNSG from being in a mediation team appointed by the UN itself. It is so stupid as to be totally incomprehensible.

Do the thugs (I use this word with utmost care) now holding hostage the people of Burundi in fact understand the minimum obligations of membership in the East African Community, or any other organisation for that matter? Or do they see their obligations under the EAC constitution as a menu from which, as their own constitution and the Arusha Peace Accords, they can discard those provisions that do not allow them to do as they please?

Mwene Kalinda